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St.Martins - Celebration & Lantern Parade

What is the St Martin’s Lantern Walk?
St Martin was a Roman Soldier who on a bitterly cold winter’s day saved a beggar’s life by sharing his warm cloak with him, therefore saving him from freezing to death. The story of St Martin is one of compassion and it continues to shine a light on the importance of community. Every year in many parts of Germany and Austria there is a tradition for children to remember this good deed, to make lanterns and to walk with their lights, singing songs and finishing with a bonfire.  This year JKPS is collecting money for Crisis (, a charity who work to combat homelessness in the UK.


What will happen on the day?
From 15.30 to 16.45 there will be refreshments in the Green Space available, followed by a talk by the Crisis Charity. 'Thereafter all parents and children will walk with their lit lanterns along Half moon Lane and Burbage Road to Alleyns Sport Ground. Marshall will be on hand to guide the way. Guardians and parents will need to supervise their children at all times. We will be accompanied by the Lambeth Wind Orchestra. Please note that the procession will be a self-guided walk with your children along the pavements, though a number of marshals will be on hand facilitate the walk! The procession will end with songs around the St Martin’s Bonfire between 17.30 and 18.30. The Sports Club Bar will be open.

 What do the children need?

·       Lantern - some of you may still have a lantern from previous years, the children can easily make their own. Here’s some guidance: or A small number of lanterns will be for sale on the day.

·       If you need poles with lights you can order these beforehand from the Friends

·       Food - there will be some simple food and refreshments available for purchase but feel free to bring your own refreshments / pop across the road.

·       Also, wrap up warm as it is likely to be cold!

 St Martin’s Songs
If you would like to practice a few songs with your children, these are five songs we will be singing:  

 Pre-ordering poles and Weckmänner
If you would like to buy a lantern pole with LED light or Weckmänner (traditional German baked bun), you can pre-order one by clicking

 How to help
Volunteers to help beforehand (cooking soup) and on the day would be great, please email Marcie Hopkins (

13 October


2 December

Weihnachtsfeier - Christmas Fair