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FoJKPS Annual General Meeting

We will be holding our virtual Annual General Meeting on Thursday 27th March at 8pm - 9pm. The AGM will be held virtually and joining details will be circulated nearer the time.

Join us to hear what FoJKPS has achieved in the last year, to review our finances and to elect the Committee Members who will represent us until the next AGM.

Our Secretary Anna and Co-Treasurers Alex and Glen will be standing for re-election at this year’s AGM but our two Co-Chairs Paula and Jane are standing down after two years in the role. If you are interested in taking on the role of Co-Chair, please email for more information and to put your name forward.

All parents and carers of children attending the school are entitled to attend and vote at the AGM. It is important to attend the AGM if you wish to vote as voting will only take place at the AGM.

26 March

Table Quiz

29 March

Gardening Day